Saturday, July 10, 2010

Foray into Windows 7: Part 1 - Leaving Vista

I'm fond of Windows Vista. In fact I'm reluctant to upgrade all of my computers to use the new operating system. The new features aren't terribly interesting or worth effort of upgrading. To top it off, the Microsoft commercials seem to only focus on the new "snap" feature. Neat but not that neat.

One of the most cited reasons for switching to 7 is that it is less "buggy". I didn't even notice that Vista was buggy. Perhaps the only bug I encountered was the slow network speed due to Remote Differential Compression (which was solved by turning it off). I'm willing to be that most "bugs" were due to user unfamiliarity, UAC, lack of driver support, and lack of early software support. In fact this list at tells us that 7 has a few bug fixes over Vista. Yet, 7 is heralded as much more stable. Hardly a major stability upgrade. Perhaps we have Apple fan's sensational journalism of the beta version of Vista to blame for its poor reception.

If it wasn't for the amazing accidental damage warranty from Lenovo, my replacement laptop will have Windows 7. So, I'll be jotting down some of my observations.

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